What a difference a year makes …

Hello, Internet friends.

It’s funny what time can do, right? A year and two days ago, we were here closing on this house in Bourgogne.

Did you notice the blog slowed down recently?

You weren’t wrong. Renovations, and thus the blog, ground nearly to a halt this fall when L’époux and I decided to separate. (If you know me in real life, I ask for your discretion as this is not really known among extended family and friends yet.)

Things haven’t been easy, to say the least. Adapting to life in a new country has its challenges without throwing in a separation. But there is reason to celebrate. Today, 367 days after buying this house, I signed a “compromis” on a house all for me (and la petite), about 10 minutes from here. I am relieved and excited, as well as intimidated to start the bank process all over again. Hoping it turns out better than last time; now that I have fiscal French status, I have a better shot at financing this house.

So basically, if time travel existed, would I believe my future self if she went back a year and told me, “Oh, hey, so I know you just bought a house two days ago, but in four to five months you and your spouse will be separating, but cohabitating for six months, and then you’re going to buy your OWN house.” I would have laughed (I think)…

Rest assured, this is a blessing. Good things are coming. And maybe they’ll include YOU spending some time in 2023 or 2024 in the already-ready-already guest apartment in our new house! Can’t wait to see you here.

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